Solidarity message of participating organizations of the
International League of Peoples’ Struggle, Cana April 28, 2007
Canadians express support and solidarity for international gathering in the Philippines of trade unionists and workers
As democratic and anti-imperialist organizations of workers, women, youth and students, migrants and immigrants and human rights advocates in Canada, we salute Kilusang Mayo Uno (May First Movement) for hosting the 23rd annual International Solidarity Affair (ISA) from April 30 to May 10, 2007. Members of our organizations have attended the ISA in the past and have found it be to an inspiring and enriching experience to be amongst the workers in the Philippines and amongst trade unionists from around the world. For this year’s ISA, we are glad that members of SIKLAB (an organization of overseas Filipino workers) are attending. They will surely learn much from this gathering and we are looking forward to their sharings about the successes of the ISA upon their return to Canada.
This year’s theme, "Defend and Advance the Rights of the Working Class. Fortify Trade Union Resistance in the midst of the Intensifying Crisis of Imperialist Globalization," strikes a deep chord amongst us in Canada. With imperialist globalization, workers in Canada are facing undeniable attacks. Hard-won wages, benefits and social services are now being cruelly eroded as Canada joins other imperialist countries in forcing increased labour flexibility in the name of ‘free trade’ and the neo-liberal agenda. Even workers’ solidarity is being criminalized and the right for workers to unionize or to fight for their legitimate rights is under attack.
Even more vulnerable and attacked are Canada’s immigrant, migrant, and undocumented workers whose numbers in Canada are increasing and whose exploitation is intensifying. Canada has always used migrant and immigrant labour to fill its relentless demand for cheap labour, but now, under the deepening crisis of imperialism and its never-ending pursuit for private profit, there is a renewed push in the country to bring in a greater number of cheaper, mobile, and flexible migrant labour. This push towards cheaper more mobile migrant labour is clearly evident in the Canadian state’s thrust to expand the country’s Temporary Foreign Workers Program.
As an imperialist country, Canada also plays a role in plundering the economies of Third World countries from which many of the country’s migrant and immigrants come from. As their countries’ economies become further devastated by neo-liberal policies, wars of aggression and foreign plunder, and political crisis, there is little option for the people but to migrate abroad in search for survival. Canada is only too happy to benefit off of the cheap labour that thousands of desperate migrants have to offer.
It is not surprising that in the last decade, there has been a groundswell of workers’ and people’s discontent and protest in Canada. It is urgent, now more than ever, that workers and the oppressed in Canada stand together with the people of the world in genuine solidarity against these intensifying attacks of the imperialist system.
We salute the organizers, participants and supporters of this year’s ISA, which is taking place in the midst of a deepening political and economic crisis in the Philippines. On the eve of the elections and as the Arroyo regime continues its heinous campaigns of counter-insurgency, political killings (including of trade unionists and workers) and state terror, we draw inspiration from your militancy and perseverance in gathering at the ISA, taking to the streets on May 1 and continuing the campaign for the freedom of Congressman Crispin (Ka Bel) Beltran, Honourary Chairperson of the ILPS.
Onward with the struggle of workers, trade unionists and all oppressed peoples and nations for national and social liberation!
Down with imperialism!
Long live international solidarity!