May Day March
& Rally
Monday, May 1, 2006
Gather at Main & 17th Avenue (west-side corner)
5:00 PM
Expose and oppose the exploitation of migrant
labour now!
Solidarity with migrant and undocumented workers!
Workers unite! Organized by SIKLAB-Vancouver
(Advance the rights and welfare of overseas Filipino workers), Filipino
Nurses Support Group (FNSG), Grassroots Women, and the Bus Riders' Union
- participating organizations of the International League of Peoples'
Struggle (ILPS)
For more information, contact: SIKLAB or FNSG
at 604-215-1103 or siklab@kalayaancentre.net; Grassroots Women at 604-682-4451
or grassrootswomen@telus.net; or Bus Riders' Union at 604-215-2775 or